Curriculum Vitae updated 2021-February-13 Department of Communication Office/Mobile Phone: +1 312 996 3187 Fax: +1 312 413 2125 E-mail: sjones ~at~ WWW: |
Quick links: Books |
2008 – present, UIC Distinguished Professor of
Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Affiliations |
2014 – present, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago 2003 – present, Adjunct Professor, Electronic Media, School of Art & Design, University of Illinois at Chicago 2001 – present, Adjunct Research Professor, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign 1999 – present, Research Associate, Electronic Visualization Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Previous |
January 2018 - August 2018, Acting Head, Department
of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago 2002 – 2003, Faculty Scholar, Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago 2000 - 2010, Senior Research Fellow, Pew Internet and American Life Project, Washington, D.C. 1997 – 2003, Head, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago 1997 – 2008, Professor, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago January 1997 – May 1997, Professor, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa 1994 - 1997, Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa 1994 - 1997, Chair, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa 1994 - 1997, Director, Visual Studies Program, University of Tulsa 1993 - 1994, Acting Chair, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa 1992 - 1994, Director, University of Tulsa Communication Program in England 1990 - 1994, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa 1987 - 1990, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire 1986 - 1987, Instructor, Department of Journalism & College of Communications, University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign |
Education |
Ph.D. Communications, 1987, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign M.S. Journalism, 1984, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign B.S. Biology, 1983, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Publications |
Internet Studies, Sage, in progress. Communication @ the Center (editor),
Hampton Press, 2012. Society Online: The Internet in Context ·
Translated and published in Spain by Pujol & Amado
S. L. L., 2005. Encyclopedia of New Media : An Essential Reference to
Communication and Technology ·
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004. Pop Music and the Press: Popular Music and Journalism (editor), Temple Univ. Press, 2002. The Internet for Educators and Homeschoolers Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for
Examining the Net ·
scheduled for translation/publication in Korea by
Communication Books. Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer-Mediated Community
and Technology ·
Translated and published in Spain by Editorial UOC,
2003. ·
Scheduled for translation/publication in Korea by
Communication Books. Virtual Culture: Identity and Communication in
Cybersociety ·
scheduled for translation/publication in Korea by
Communication Books. ·
Scheduled for
translation/publication in Japan by NTT Shuppan, Ltd. ·
Translated/published in Yugoslavia by XX Century Edition,
2001. CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication and
Community Rock Formation: Music, Technology, and Mass Communication ·
Nominated for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound
Research Award, Association for Recorded Sound Collections, 1993. ·
Nominated for BMI/Rolling
Stone Gleason Award 1993. |
“History and New Media,” with David Park and Nicholas Jankowski, in The Long History of New Media, David Park, Nicholas Jankowski and Steve Jones, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2011), pp. xi - xviii. “Music and the Internet,” in The Handbook of Internet Studies, Mia Consalvo and Charles Ess, Eds. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), pp. 440-451. “The New Media, the New Meanwhile, and the Same Old Stories,” in International Handbook of Internet Research, Jeremy Hunsinger, Lisbeth Klastrup, Matthew Allens, Eds. (New York : Springer, 2010), pp. xv-xx. “iThou: Ethics, Friendship and the Internet,” with Ishani Mukherjee, in Ethics & Evil in the Public Sphere, Robert Fortner and Mark Fackler, Eds. (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2010), pp. 15-28. [Winner of the 2011 Clifford G. Christians Ethics Research Award.] “Technology: The Digital Sublimation of the Electrical Sublime,” in Key Concepts in Critical Cultural Studies, Linda Steiner and Clifford Christians, Eds. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2010), pp. 199-211. “Via Chicago: Ethnic Media, New Media and the Experience of Migration and Mobility,” in e-Chicago 2009, Kate Williams, Ed. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 2010), pp. 45-59. “Activismo Politico en la Era Digital: El Empleo de Internet para el Compromiso Politico de Asistentes a Convoctorias,” with Francisco Seoane Perez, in Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, Igor Sádaba and Ángel J. Gordo, Coords. (Madrid: Catarata, 2008), pp. 222-240. English translation: “Political Activism in the Digital Age: The Use of the Internet for Political Engagement Among Meetup Attendees.” “The Internet Landscape in College,” with Camille Johnson-Yale, Francisco Seoane Perez and Jessica Schuler, in Information and Communication Technologies: Considerations of Current Practice for Teachers and Teacher Educators, National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook, 106:2 (Boston: Blackwell Publishing, Inc.), pp. 39-51. “Queer Online,” in Media Queered, Kevin Barnhurst, Ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 225-229. “Web Use and Web Studies,” in Web Archiving, J. Masanes, ed. (Berlin: Springer, 2006). “Virtual Reality Technology and the Future of Education,” in Configuring History, J. Sosnoski, Harkin, P., Carter, B., eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2006), pp. 187-191. "Virtual Harlem as a Collaborative Learning Environment: A Project of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Electronic Visualization Lab,” with Jim Sosnoski, Bryan Carter, Ken McAllister, Ryan Moeller, and Ronen Mir, in International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments, Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Peter Trifonas , eds. (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 2005), pp. 1259 – 1290. “Virtual,” in New Keywords, Tony Bennett, Lawrence Grossberg and Meaghan Morris, eds. (Oxford Blackwell Publishing, 2005), pp. 367 – 369. “Notes Toward an Engaged Association,” in Internet Research Annual 2003 (vol. 2), Mia Consalvo, and Matthew Allen, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2005), pp. xvii – xxv. “Online Gaming,” in E-Merging Media: Communication and the Media Economy of the Future, Axel Zerdick, Arnold Picot, Klaus Schrape, Jean-Claude Burgelmann, Roger Silverstone, Valerie Feldmann, Christian Wernick and Carolin Wolff, eds. (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005), pp. 84 – 86. “,” in Global Currents: Media and Technology Now, Tasha G. Oren and Patrice Petro, eds. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004), pp. 81 – 92. “Imagining an Association,” in Internet Research Annual: Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conferences 2000-2002 (vol. 1), Mia Consalvo, Nancy Baym, Jeremy Hunsinger, Klaus Bruhn Jensen, John Logie, Monica Murero, Leslie Regan Shade, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2004), pp. 5 – 12. “The Internet and Communication Studies,” with Nicholas W. Jankowski, Kirsten Foot, Philip N. Howard, Robin Mansell, Steve Schneider and Roger Silverstone, in Academy & the Internet, Helen Nissenbaum and Monroe E. Price, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2004), pp. 168 – 195. “Ethics and Internet Studies,” in Online Social Research, Mark Johns, Sarina Chen and G. Jon Hall, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2004), pp. 179 – 186. “Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research: Recommendations from the AoIR Ethics Working Committee” with Charles Ess, in Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies, Elizabeth Buchanan, ed. (Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing, 2004), pp. 27 – 44. “Internet Use and the Terror Attacks,” with Lee Rainie, in Communication and Terrorism: Public and Media Responses to 9/11, Bradley Greenberg, ed. (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2003), pp. 27 – 38. "Days and Nights on the Internet: The Impact of a Diffusing Technology," with Philip Howard and Lee Rainie, in The Internet in Everyday Life, Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite, eds. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002), pp. 45 – 73. “Building, Buying or Being There: Imagining Online Community,” in Building Virtual Communities, K. Ann Renninger, Wesley Shumar, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 368 – 376. "Distribuzione e Downloading: La Musica e le Tecnologie del Web,” in Sound Tracks: Tracce, Convergenze e Scenari Degli Studi Musicali, Francesco D'Amato, ed. (Rome: Meltemi Editore, 2002), pp. 149 - 162. “Hyper-punk: Cyberpunk and Information Technology,” Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, vol. 106, pp. 330-335. Reprinted from Journal of Popular Culture, 28:2 (Fall 1994), pp. 81-92. “Understanding Micropolis and Compunity,” in Culture, Technology and Communication, Charles Ess, ed. (State University of New York Press, 2001), pp. 53 – 66. "Rheingold and the Illusion of 'Community,' excerpt from “Understanding Community in the Information Age,” reprinted from CyberSociety (above), in Globalization: The Reader, John Benyon and David Dunkerley, eds. (London: Athlone Press, 2000), pp. 226 - 227. "The Bias of the Web," in The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory, Andrew Herman and Thomas Swiss, eds. (London: Routledge, 2000), pp. 171 - 182. “Computers, the Internet, and Virtual Cultures,” (with Stephanie Kucker), in Culture in the Communication Age, James Lull, ed. (London: Routledge, 2000), pp. 212 – 225. “Studying the Net: Intricacies and Issues,” in Doing Internet Research, Steve Jones, ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1999), pp. 1 – 28. “Understanding Community in the Information Age,” reprinted from CyberSociety, in Computer Media and Communication, Paul Mayer, ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 219 - 240. “Understanding Community in the Information Age,” reprinted from CyberSociety (above), in Border Texts: Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers, Randall Bass, ed. (Winchester, MA: Houghton-Mifflin, 1999), pp. 533 - 541. “Cybersubjectivity,” in Cyberpsychology, Angel Gordo-Lopez and Ian Parker, eds. (London: Macmillan, 1999), 221-225. “The Internet and the Social, or: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Progress,” in Symposium on American Values 1984-1997. Kenneth L. Stewart, ed. (San Angelo, Texas: Angelo State University, 1998), pp. 292-298. “Introduction” and “Information, Internet, and Community: Notes Toward an Understanding of Community in the Information Age,” in Cybersociety 2.0, Steve Jones, ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1998), pp. 1 – 34. “The Consequences of Interaction in Electronic Communities,” in Binären Mythen, Edeltraud Stiftinger and Edward Strasser, eds. (Vienna: Medieninhaber Verlerger, 1997), pp. 30-42. “The Internet, Communication and Electromotion,” in Mythos Internet, Alexander Roesler, ed. (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp-Verlag, 1997), pp. 131-146. “Reaping Pop: The Press, the Scholar and the Consequences of Popular Cultural Studies,” in The Clubcultures Reader, Steve Redhead, Derek Wynne, Justin O’Connor, eds. (London: Blackwell’s, 1997), pp. 204-216. “Mass Communication, Intellectual Property Rights, International Trade and the Popular Music Industry,” in Mass Media, and Free Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural Industries, Emile McAnany and Kenton Wilkinson, eds. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997), pp. 331-350. “Introduction” and “The Internet and its Social Landscape,” in Virtual Culture, Steve Jones, ed. (London: Sage Publications, Ltd., 1997), pp. 1 – 35. “Media Use in an Electronic Community,” in Network and Netplay: Virtual Groups, Sudweeks, Rafaeli and Blanchard, eds. (Sydney: AAAI/MIT Press, 1997), pp. 77-94. “Recasting Popular Music Studies’ Conceptions of the Authentic and Local in Light of Bell’s Theorem,” in Popular Music: Style and Identity, Straw, Johnson, Sullivan, Friedlander, eds., (Montreal: Centre for Research on Canadian Cultural Industries, 1995), pp. 169-172. “Introduction: From Where to Who Knows?” and “Understanding Community in the Information Age,” in CyberSociety, Steve Jones, ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995), pp. 1 – 35. “Populare Music, Musikkritik, Werbung und die Musikindustrie,” in PopScriptum 2: Aufsatze zur Popularen Musik, Peter Wicke, ed. (Berlin: Zyankrise Druck & Verlag, 1994), pp. 46-61. “Music & Copyright in the USA,” in Music & Copyright, Simon Frith, ed. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1993), pp. 67-85. “Who Fought The Law? American Responses to Popular Music, Cultural Production and the International Popular Music Industry,” in Rock and Popular Music: Politics, Policies and Institutions, Tony Bennett, Larry Grossberg, Graeme Turner and Simon Frith, eds., (London: Routledge, 1993), pp. 83-98. “The Cassette Underground,” in Cassette Mythos, Robin James, ed. (Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 1992), pp. 6-14. “Bob Greene,” in A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism, Thomas Connery, ed. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992), pp. 359-366. “Jane Kramer,” in A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism, Thomas Connery, ed. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992), pp. 323-330. |
Journal Articles & Proceedings (refereed)
“A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence
and asthma control in minority adolescents,” with Giselle Mosnaim, Hong Li,
Molly Martin, DeJuran Richardson, Paula Jo Belice, Elizabeth Avery, Augustina
Silberstein, Jason Leigh, Robert Kenyon, Bruce Bender and Lynda H. Powell, Journal
of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Practice, January, 2015.
Available online at “Art to Commerce: The Trajectory of Popular Music Criticism,” with Thomas Conner, IASPM@Journal, 4(2), 2014. Available online at “Napster and the Press: Framing Music Technology,” with Andrea L. Guzman, First Monday, 19(10), October 2014. Available online at “Passing an Enhanced Turing Test - Interacting with Lifelike Computer Reprsentations of Specific Individuals,” with Avelino J. Gonzalez, Jason Leigh, Ronald F. DeMara, Andrew Johnson, Sangyoon Lee, Victor Hung, Luc Renambot, Carlos Leon-Barth, Maxine Brown, Miguel Elvir, James Hollister and Steven Kobosko, Journal of Intelligent Systems, 22(4): 365-415, 2013. Available online at “Framing ICT Usage in the Real Estate Industry,” with Zachary Benjamin, International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering, 3(2), 2013. “Remediation and Remembrance: "Dancing
Auschwitz," Collective Memory and New Media,” with Paige
L. Gibson, ESSACHESS-Journal for Communication Studies, 5(2)
2012. Available online at “Everyday life, online: U.S. College Students' Use of the Internet,” with Camille Johnson-Yale, Sarah Millermaier, and Francisco Seoane Perez, First Monday 14(10), 2009. “A University, If You Can Keep It: James W. Carey and the University Tradition,” Cultural Studies 23(2), 2009, pp. 223-236. “U.S. College Students’ Internet Use: Race, Gender and Digital Divides,” with Camille Johnson-Yale, Sarah Millermaier and Francisco Seoane Perez, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(2), (2009) pp. 244-264. “Whose Space is MySpace? A Content Analysis of MySpace Profiles,” with Sarah Millermaier, Mariana Goya-Martinez and Jessica Schuler, First Monday 13(9), (2008). “Academic Work, the Internet and U.S. College Students,” with Camille Johnson-Yale, Sarah Millermaier and Francisco Seoane Perez, in Internet and Higher Education, 11(3-4), (2008) pp. 165-177. “Global Cyber-Commons: Collaborative, Instructional Environments for the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering,” with Jason Leigh, Maxine Brown, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot, and Tom Moher, White Paper for the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering Planning Meeting organized by the Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation, July 1-2, 2008, University of Michigan. “Towards Interactive Training with an Avatar-Based Human-Computer Interface,”with Ronald F. DeMara, Avelino J. Gonzalez, Victor Hung, Carlos Leon-Barth, Raul A. Dookhoo, Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh, Luc Renambot, Sangyoon Lee, Gordon Carlson, Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2008. “Television News: Geographic and Source Biases, 1982 - 2004,” International Journal of Communication 2, (2008) pp. 223-252. “Reality© and Virtual Reality©: When virtual and real worlds collide,” Cultural Studies 20(2-3), (2006) pp. 211 – 226. “Fizz in the Field: Toward a Basis for an Emergent Internet Studies,” The Information Society 21(1), (2005), pp. 1 – 5. “Professors Online: The Internet's Impact on College Faculty,” with Camille Johnson-Yale, First Monday 10(9), (2005). “Guidelines for Negotiating Scientific Collaborations,” with Neil R. Smalheiser and Guy A. Perkins, PLoS Biology 3(6), (2005), pp. 963 - 964. “MTV: The Medium was the Message,” Critical Studies in Media Communication 22(1), (2005), pp. 83 – 88. “404 Not Found: The Internet and the Afterlife,” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 49(1), (2004), pp. 83 – 88. “Infostructures, Urban Planning and the Internet,” Interfacings 1(1), (2004). “Music Downloading and Listening: Findings from the Pew Internet and American Life Project,” with Amanda Lenhart, Popular Music and Society 27:2 (2004), pp. 185 – 199. “The Ethics of Virtual Histories,” with Patricia Harkin and James J. Sosnoski, Media Development 60:2 (2003), pp. 27 – 32. “ Internet Studies and Academic Work,” Popular Communication 1:1 (2003), pp. 33 - 40. “The Internet Goes to College: How Students are Living in the Future with Today’s Technology,” with Lisa N. Clarke, Sabryna Cornish, Margaret Gonzales, Camille Johnson, Jessica N, Lawson, Mary Madden, Smret Smith, Sarah Hendrica Bickerton, Megan Hansen, Guenther Lengauer, Luciana Oliveria, Wendy Prindle and James Pyfer,USDLA Journal 16:10 (October 2002). “Virtual Harlem,” with Bryan Carter, Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh and James Sosnoski, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (September/October 2002), pp. 61 – 67. “Rights, Copyrights and Technology: Tradition, Trends and Trouble,” Southern Review 35:2 (2002), pp. 88 – 99. "Music That Moves: Popular Music, Distribution and Network Technologies," Cultural Studies 16:2 (2002), pp. 213 – 232. "Comparison of Remote User Representation in a Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment," with James Costigan and Andrew Johnson, Journal of Virtual Environments 6:1 (January 2002 ). “Virtual Reality Technology and the Future of Education,” Works and Days 19:1&2 (2001), pp. 221 – 225. "Day and Night on the Internet: The Impact of a Diffusing Technology," with Philip Howard and Lee Rainie, American Behavioral Scientist 45:3 (November 2001), pp. 383 - 404. "Covering Music: A Brief History and Analysis of Album Cover Design," with Martin Sorger, Journal of Popular Music Studies 11, 12 (1999, 2000), pp. 68 - 102. Images accompanying article can be found here. "Music and the Internet," Popular Music 19:2 (Fall 2000), pp. 217 - 230. “Ethics and Internet Studies,” Iowa Journal of Communication, 31:1 (Fall, 1999), pp. 1 - 7. “Seeing Sound, Hearing Image: ‘Remixing’ Authenticity in Popular Music Studies,” M/C 2:4 (Summer, 1999). “Using the News: An Examination of the Value and Use of News Sources in CMC,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2:4 (Spring, 1997). “Tehnologija In Glasbenik (Technology and the Musician),” Medkulturna Komunikacija (Slovenia), 24 (Summer 1996), pp. 201-228. “Covering Cobain: Narrative Patterns in Journalism and Rock Criticism,” Popular Music & Society, 19:2 (Summer 1995), pp. 103-118. “Hyper-punk: Cyberpunk and Information Technology,” Journal of Popular Culture, 28:2 (Fall 1994), pp. 81-92. “Unlicensed Broadcasting: Content and Conformity,” Journalism Quarterly, 71:2 (Summer 1994), pp. 395-402. “Critical Legal Studies & Popular Music Studies,” Stanford Humanities Review, 3:2 (Fall, 1993), pp. 77-90. “A Sense of Space: Virtual Reality, Authenticity and the Aural,” Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 10:3 (September, 1993), pp. 238-252. “Pop Music, Criticism, Advertising & the Music Industry,” Journal of Popular Music Studies , 5 (1993), pp. 79-91. “Sound, Space, and Digitisation,” Media Information Australia, 67 (Feb., 1993), pp. 83-91. “Re-Viewing Rock Writing: Recurring Themes in Pop Music Criticism,” American Journalism (Winter/Summer 1992), pp. 87-107. “Ban(ne)d in the USA: Pop Music & Censorship,” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 15:1(Winter 1991), pp. 73-88. “The Information Evolution,” Wisconsin Dialogue, 11 (1991), pp. 49-57. “Geographic & Source Biases in Network Television News 1982 - 1984,” by D. Charles Whitney, Steve Jones, Sharon Mazzarella, Lana Rakow, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 33,2(Spring, 1989), pp. 159-174. “Cohesive but not Coherent: Music Videos, Narrative and Culture,” Popular Music and Society, 12,4 (Winter, 1989), pp. 15-30. “Video Literacy,” Wisconsin Dialogue, 9 (1989), pp. 93-99. |
“Navigating the Long Now of Journalism and Communication: A Tribute to John Pauly,” Marquette University, Diederich College of Communication (2018). “Scholarly Publishing and the Internet: An NM&S Themed Section,” with Nicholas W. Jankowski, New Media & Society (2013). “James Carey, Dean,” in Explorations in Media Ecology, 5,2 (2006), pp. 163-165. “Don't Track Them: An Interview With Dr. Steve Jones,” in Continuity and Change: Perspectives on Journalism & Communication Education, Xin Zhong and Shuhua Zhou, Eds. (Renmin: Communication University of China Press, 2006), pp. 31-38. Chinese version, English version. “So Far? So Early? So Soon? Remembering Jim Carey,” Popular Communication 5(1), 2007, pp. 7-9. “Tulsa,” with Steve Higgins, in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 4), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 32 – 331. “Engineer,” with Paul Theberge, in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 188 – 190. “Sound Engineering,” with Paul Theberge, in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 188 – 190. “Journalistic Practices,” with Marion Leonard, Robert Strachan, Gwen Ansell, in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 1), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 253 – 257. “Mixing,”in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 220 – 222. “MP3,”in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 248 – 249. “Music Press,” with Marion Leonard, Robert Strachan, Gwen Ansell, Olivier Julien, Claire Levy, Christian Morken and Masahiro Yasuda, in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 1), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 38 – 42. “Paisley Park,” in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 1), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver, Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 666 – 667. “The Plant,” in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 1), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), p. 667. “Producer,” in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 196 – 197. “Recording,”in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 224 – 227. “Scratching,” in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), p. 216. “Sound Engineering,”with Paul Theberge, in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 229 – 231. “Sound Recording Technologies,”in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), pp. 259 – 263. “Take,”in Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. 2), John Shepherd, David Horn, David Laing, Paul Oliver and Peter Wicke, Eds. (London: Continuum, 2003), p. 232 – 233. “Internet Research, Rights and Ethics,” in The Technology of Humanity, M. Ellen Mitchell and Lori B. Andrews, Eds. (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, 2003), pp. 12 – 17. “Educators Should Question Their Assumptions,” American Teacher 87,5 (February, 2003), p. 4. Reprinted in On Campus, 22,5 (February, 2003), p. 4. “control-alt-innovate,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram op/ed (March 3, 2002). “Community and Culture in Education,” white paper for U.S. Dept. of Education Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology Grant Program, available online at, 2001. “Question Use, Nature of Changing Technology,” Skokie Review op/ed (March 1, 2001), p. 13. “Who Will Hear You When You Stream?” with Kevin Featherly, San Francisco Chronicle op/ed (February 22, 2001), p. A25. "Revolutionary Times for Music," with Chris Nelson, Boston Globe op/ed (January 16, 2001), p. A11. "The Un-wired wired,” Chair et Métal: The Digital Anamorphosis of the Universe, (1999). “Wired no more,” Cultural Studies Website, (1999) “Moving @ Speed of Academia,” Cultural Studies Website, (1999) “Understanding Micropolis and Compunity,” in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, (1998), pp. 21-33. “Type Held Hostage,” Wired, 4:12 (December, 1996) WWW site ( published in Offline WorldWideWeb (Taiwan: Soho Media, 1996). “Project Manager for the Global Village,” University of Tulsa Magazine (Fall 1996), pp. 12-13. “Net-Gain,” Campus Connection, 1:7 (April 1996), p. 2. “I’m Online, You’re Online,” Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine, 4:2 (February 1996), “Computer-Mediated Communication and Community: An Introduction,” Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine, 2:3 (March 1995). “QS Offers Insight into Computer-Mediated Communication,” QS News (Winter 1995), pp. 1, 4. “Popular Music, Trade, and the Internet,” Popular Musicology Quarterly (Spring 1995), pp. 4-7. “On the Intersection of Image, Sound, Music and Virtual Reality,” New Moment, 3 (Spring 1995), pp. 54-56. “New Technology and the Study of Communication,” Intertek, 3:4 (Spring, 1993), pp. 12-13. “Rap Music, Memory and Social Order,” RPM: Revue of Popular Music, 17 (Fall 1992), pp. 3-4. “Studying Popular Music is Fun and Rewarding,” RPM: Revue of Popular Music, 16 (Summer 1991), pp. 2-3. “Medium Cool: Cassettes and Popular Music,” Asymptote, #5 (Summer 1991), pp. 39-41. “Rap Shouldn't Be Forgotten,” Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, June 10, 1990, Sec. C, p. 1. “Technology and Pop Music Practice,” Popular Music & Society, 14, 1 (Spring, 1990), pp. 1-6. “The Cassette Underground,” Popular Music & Society, 14, 1 (Spring, 1990), pp. 75-84. “Technology & the Future of Music,” Popular Music & Society, 14,1 (Spring, 1990), pp. 19-24. “Making Waves: Pirate Radio & Popular Music,” onetwothreefour, 7 (Winter 1989), pp. 55-68. “Word Processing, Communications and Discourse,” 22nd Annual Proceedings of the Small College Computing Symposium Proceedings, (Spring, 1989), pp. 24-26. “The Cassette (R)Evolution,” Beatrix, (Summer 1989), pp. 3, 5. “On the Edge of a Rock 'n' Roll Conundrum,” No Cover (March, 1988), p. 3. |
Review of “The >friendly orange glow: The untold story of the PLATO system and the dawn of cyberculture,” in New Media & Society X(X) (2018), pp. XXX – XXX. Review of documentary “O.COM: Internet Addiction,” in New Media & Society 9(1) (2005), pp. 182 – 184. Review of documentaries “Dirty Business,” “It’s Just a Game,” and “Virtual Worlds,” in New Media & Society 7(1) (2005), pp. 137 – 141. “Living it Up: Coming of Age With Computers," review of Extra Life, by David Bennahum, Contemporary Psychology 45:3 (June, 2000), pp. 295- 298. “Processed Lives,” by Terry and Calvert (Eds.) and “Clicking In,” by Lynn Hershman Leeson (Ed.), Signs 25:2 (Autumn 1999), pp. 291 – 293. “Contours of Multimedia: Recent Technological, Theoretical and Empirical Developments,” by Jankowski and Hanssen (Eds.), Convergence 3:1 (Spring 1997), pp. 134-136. “I Read the News Today: The Social Drama of John Lennon's Death,” by Fred Fogo, American Journalism 12:1 (Winter 1995), pp. 57-58. “Cracked Coverage: Television News, the Anti-Cocaine Crusade and the Reagan Legacy,” by Jimmie Reeves and Richard Campbell, American Journalism 11:4 (Fall 1994), pp. 379-380. “Time Passages,” by George Lipsitz, American Journalism 8:2-3 (Spring, 1991), pp. 218-9. “Response Recordings: An Answer Song Discography, 1950-1990,” by B. Lee Cooper and Wayne S. Haney, in Tracking: Popular Music Studies 3:2 (Spring 1991), p. 22. “American Popular Music,” v. 1 & 2, Timothy E. Scheurer, ed., in Tracking: Popular Music Studies 3:2 (Spring 1991), pp. 22-23. “Rhythm and Resistance,” by Ray Pratt, in Tracking: Popular Music Studies 3:2 (Spring 1991), p. 23. “This Business of Music (6th edition),” and “More About This Business of Music,” Shemel & Krasilovsky, in Tracking: Popular Music Studies 3:2 (Spring 1991), pp. 23-24. “Time Passages,” by George Lipsitz, Tracking: Popular Music Studies 3:2 (Spring, 1991), p. 24. “The Rock 'n' Roll Reference Series,” Popular Culture, Ink. books, Tracking: Popular Music Studies, 3:1 (Fall, 1990), pp. 40-41. “Looking Up at Down,” by Bill Barlow Tracking: Popular Music Studies, 3:1 (Fall, 1990), p. 40. “On Record,” by Simon Frith and Andrew Goodwin Tracking: Popular Music Studies, 3:1 (Fall, 1990), p. 41. “Rock Eras,” by Jim Curtis Tracking: Popular Music Studies, 3:1 (Fall, 1990), p. 41. “Cut 'n' Mix,” by Dick Hebdige The Democratic Communique, Vol. VII, 4, 1988, p. 13. “Subculture: The Meaning of Style,” by Dick Hebdige Goldmine, September, 1982. |
Positions |
Editorial Boards (past and present): Chair et Metal, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Convergence, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Cultural Studies, Information Technology & Society, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Popular Music Studies, Journalism Monographs, M/C: A journal of media and culture, Northern Lights-Film and Media Studies Yearbook, Popular Communication, Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales [Teknokulture: Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements]. 2000 -- present: Editor, Digital Formations, Peter Lang Publishing Book Series. Titles
available in PDF by clicking here. 2000 -- present: Co-Editor (with Joli Jensen and Will Straw), Music/Meaning, Peter Lang Publishing Book Series. Titles
available in PDF by clicking here. 1998 -- present: Founding co-editor, New Media & Society, an international journal of research on new media and information technologies. Winter, 1996: Guest Editor, Critical Studies in Mass Communication. 1995 -- 2000: Editor, New Media Cultures, Sage Publications Book Series. Titles available by clicking here. 1992 -- present: Advisory Editor for Music and Media Technology, Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. 1987 -- 1992: Editor, Tracking: Popular Music Studies, the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music/USA (vols. 1-4, from vol. 5 on retitled to Journal of Popular Music Studies). Spring, 1990: Guest Editor, Popular Music & Society, 14:1. 1984 -- 1985: Editor, Water Resources Center, University of Illinois 1984 -- 1987: Editor, Dad's Illini & Illinotes, University of Illinois |
and Advisory Boards |
2013 - 2019: International Advisory Board Member,
Computational Artifacts research collaboration, Copenhagen University,
Copenhagen Business School. Information Technology University and Technical
University of Denmark. |
Music |
Writer, performer, engineer, producer
with and for numerous artists and groups, most notably Area, with recordings on Projekt
Records, C'est La Mort Records, Third Mind Records and Office Records, as
well as The Arms of
Someone New with recordings on C'est La Mort Records
and Office Records.
Presentations |
“The Consequence of Using Robots for Human Subjects Researcher,”“The Consequence of Using Robots for Human Subjects Research,” IEEE Ro-Man virtual conference, September 4, 2020. “Composers, Coders and Computers: Early Computing and the Networked Construction of Computer Music,” presented at the 2019 Society for the History of Technology annual conference, Milan, Italy, October 25, 2019. “Networks of Sound: Electronic Music, PLATO and the Networked Construction of Computer Music,” presented at the 2019 RESAW conference, Amsterdam, June 20, 2019. “Mainframe as Musical Instrument: Electronic Music, PLATO and the Roots of the Computer as Musical Instrument,” Sustainable Sounds conference, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, May 11, 2019. “Social Robots, Social Science and Social Relations,” presented at the 2018 Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference, Montreal, October 10, 2018. “Can Social Robots do Social Science? The Ethics of Robots in Research,” presented at the 2018 NordiCHI conference, Oslo, September 30, 2018. “Can Social Robots do Social Science? Or, Do Social Robots Dream of Human Subjects?,” with Alexa, A., presented at the 2018 International Communication Association conference, Prague, May 24, 2018. “Considering Talk and Emotion when Creating and Deploying Realistic 3D Avatars,” presented at the 2018 Presence conference, Prague, May 21, 2018. “Pervasive Data Ethics in Emerging Data Spaces,” presented at the 2018 Association for Practical and Professional Ethics conference, Chicago, March 3, 2018. “Out from the PLATO Cave: Uncovering the pre-Internet History of Social Computing,” presented at the 2017 RESAW conference, London, June 14, 2017. “Autonomy and Automobiles: Human-Machine
Communication and Self-Driving Cars,” presented at the 2017 International Communication
Association conference, San Diego, May 2017. Co-organizer of Blue Sky Workshop, “From Information Superhighways to Autonomous Vehicles: Considering Media Change Through the Prism of Cars,” 2016 International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 2016. Respondent, “Dialogues in Journalism Studies: Newspapers and the Postdigital Future Beyond the 'Death of Print,'” 2016 International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 2016. “Beyond Human: Developing Human-Machine Communication Research,” presented at the 2015 International Communication Association conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2015. “James Carey and the Internet,” presented
at the National Communication Association annual conference 2014, Chicago,
November 20, 2014. “Social Media Use in Higher Educational Organizations: A Comparison of the US and Singapore,” with Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, Jodie Eason, Chei Sian Lee and Eric W. Welch, CABS 2014, August 20-22, 2014, Kyoto, Japan. “Sharing digital resources: PLATO and the emerging ethics of social computing,” with Guillaume Latzko-Toth, presented at ETHICOMP 2014, Paris, France, June 28, 2014. “Transferring Knowledge by Creating and
Deploying Realistic 3D Avatars for Intelligent Information Systems*,”
with Gordon Carlson, presented at the Western States Communication
Association conference, Anaheim, California, February 17, 2014. “Please Get Rid of Game Players! Games as
Creative Disruption in the Development of an Early Online Learning
Environment,” with Guillaume Latzko-Toth, presented at the International
Association for Mass Communication Research conference, Dublin, Ireland, June
27, 2013. Panelist, “Twitter and Society and Beyond,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Denver, October 26, 2013. Panelist, “Thinking about Information and Media Architecture,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Denver, October 25, 2013. Panelist, “Coping with Death and Grief Through Technology,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Denver, October 24, 2013. “The Shadow of the Uncanny Valley of Death: Memory, Memorialization and the Technologizing of Communication,” Cultural Studies Association annual conference, Chicago, May 23, 2013. “Playing the Social Network User,” panel chair, Cultural Studies Association annual conference, Chicago, May 22, 2013. “Framing ICT Usage in the Real Estate
Industry,” with Zachary Benjamin,
Collaborative Organizations and Social Media COSM 2013, Bowdoin
College, Brunswick, Maine, April 12, 2013. “Communication, Virtual Reality and the Suspension of Disbelief,” with Kelly Quinn, National Communication Association annual conference, November 12-15, 2009, Chicago. Panelist, “Establishing Stability with a Communication Netiquette: Change, Civility, and Ethics in New Media Technologies,” National Communication Association annual conference, November 12-15, 2009, Chicago. “New Media, Mobile Media and Immigration,” National Communication Association annual conference, November 12-15, 2009, Chicago. Moderator and respondent, “Denoting Danger, Connoting Freedom: Everyday Life in the (Post)Global Network,” International Communication Association annual conference, May 22-25, 2009, Chicago. Moderator and respondent, “Denoting Danger, Connoting Freedom: Theorizing Control in the New Global [Post]Human Network,” National Communication Association annual conference, November 20-24, 2008, San Diego. Moderator, “Beyond Offline vs. Online: Exploring Effects of Technology,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, October 15-19, 2008, Copenhagen. “The Internet Landscape in College,” American Educational Research Association annual conference, April 13, 2007, Chicago. “Big Sounds From All Peoples? Globalization and the Cultural Geography of Popular Music,” Global Fusion, October 1, 2006, Chicago. “Internet research at an Internet research conference: A case study of Internet use at AoIR 6.0,” with Soo Jeong An, Dave Elfving, Ericka Menchen-Trevino (presenter), Marisha Pathak, Francisco Seoane, Evan Venie, Jolene White, Ming Zhang, Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, September, 27 – 30, 2006, Brisbane, Australia. “Spending Time With TV News: Time (and Place) Biases, 1982 – 2004,” Western States Communication Association, Palm Springs, California, February 18 – 21, 2006. Top three paper award, Media Studies Interest Group. “Immersing Sound in Immersive Environments,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, October 5 – 9, 2005, Chicago. “Academic Culture and Scholarly Communication in the Digital Age,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, October 5 – 9, 2005, Chicago. Moderator, “Next Generation Technologies,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, October 5 – 9, 2005, Chicago. Moderator, “Writing About Technology,” Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, October 5 – 9, 2005, Chicago. Respondent, “Relocating Internet Community: Mobility, Identity and ‘Glocal’ Networks” panel, International Communication Association Convention, New York City, May 28, 2005. Respondent, “Visualizing Technospaces: Nostalgic Visions of the Future” panel, National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, November 11, 2004. "Telepresence, Materiality and Ethics," National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 23, 2003. “Ethics, Communication and Collaborating on Virtual Reality," National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 22, 2003. “Internet Research, Policy, and Practice, ” National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 21, 2003. “Information Borderlands and Urban Infostructure,” International Communication Association annual convention, San Diego, May 2003. "College Students, Gaming and the Internet," with Camille Johnson, International Communication Association annual convention, San Diego, May 2003. “Online Social Research: Methods, Issues, and Ethics,” session chair and discussant, Midwest Sociological Society meeting, Chicago, April 2003. “Bridges, Walls and Gates: Connecting and Protecting the Online/Offline Boundaries,” National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, November 2002. “An Examination of College Students’ Use of Email for Academic Purposes,” with Sabryna Cornish, Camille K. Johnson, Smret Smith, National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, November 2002. “The Impact of Video, Computer and Online Gaming on College Students,” with Lisa Clarke, Margaret Gonzales and Guenther Lengauer, National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, November 2002. “College Students, Email and Social Life,” with Jessica Lawson, Luciana Oliveira and Sarah Bickerton, National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, November 2002. “Research Gaps in the Field: Imagining Future Directions,” roundtable participant, Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 2002. “International Perspectives on a National Internet Study: The Pew Internet Project in a Global Context,” moderator and participant, Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 2002. “College Students and the Internet: An Analysis of Living and Learning Online in Higher Education,” chair and respondent, Midwest Popular Culture Association meeting, Milwaukee, October 2002. “Computer Networks as Social Networks,” discussant, American Sociological Association meeting, Chicago, August 2002. “The Internet and Society: Studying Internet Use: How, Who, and Why?” discussant, American Sociological Association meeting, Chicago, August 2002. "Lost, Emergent, "Aberrant": Decentering Media Histories," session chair and respondent, National Communication Association meeting, Atlanta, November 2001. "Radical(izing) Academic Work: Critical Issues of Online Authorship and Online Courses," National Communication Association meeting, Atlanta, November 2001. "The Internet and American Life: Results from the Pew Project Surveys," session chair and respondent, National Communication Association meeting, Atlanta, November 2001. "Radical(izing) News Reporting: Investigative Reporting in the 21st Century," session chair, National Communication Association meeting, Atlanta, November 2001. "Global News Revolution: Industry and Academic Perspectives on Technology, Corporate and Political Trends in Media," National Communication Association meeting, Atlanta, November 2001. "Internet Use During and After the 9/11 Attacks: Pew Internet and American Life Project Findings," National Communication Association meeting, Atlanta, November 2001. "Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice: National Communication Association Task Force on the Digital Divide," panelist, Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Minneapolis, October 2001. "The Internet, Crisis and Media Choice," Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, Minneapolis, October 2001. "Music Without Matter, or: Put the Needle to the Network: Music in a post-MP3 Age," International Association for the Study of Popular Music biennial conference, Turku, Finland, July 2001. "Censorship and New Technology," International Association for the Study of Popular Music biennial conference, Turku, Finland, July 2001. "Is the Internet Really Any Different?: Social Interactions Across Media," International Communication Association meeting, Washington, D.C., May 2001. Chair, "The Internet and American Life: Results From the Pew Project Surveys," International Communication Association meeting, Washington, D.C., May 2001. Chair and respondent, "Taming Threats, Training Subjects: Journalistic Engagements with New Technologies," National Communication Association meeting, Seattle, November 2000. Respondent, "Online Social Research in the 21st Century: Cross Disciplinary Dialogues," National Communication Association meeting, Seattle, November 2000. "The Future of the Internet: An Engaged Dialogue of Academia and Industry," National Communication Association meeting, Seattle, November 2000. "Technology and Epistemology: How do we "do" popular music studies in the 21st century?," International Association for the Study of Popular Music - USA, Toronto, November 2000. "Music and Digital Media: Findings of the Pew Internet and American Life Project," International Association for the Study of Popular Music - USA, Toronto, November 2000. "Big Class, Big Tech: Using Virtual Reality in a Lecture Setting," with Jim Costigan, TechEd - Teaching & Learning in a Network World, Chicago, October 2000. Participant and chair, "Journal Editor's Roundtable" panel, Association of Internet Researchers conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, September 14, 2000. Participant and chair, "Pew Internet and American Life Project" presentation, Association of Internet Researchers conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, September 14, 2000. "Place Unbound: The Consequences of Wireless Networks,” Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April 19, 2000. “Commerce & Online Community: Going to the 'WELL' One Time Too Many,” National Communication Association, Chicago, November 1999. Participant and chair, “Just What is Technology and so What if it's New?” panel, National Communication Association meeting, Chicago, November 1999. Participant and chair, "What's New About New Media" panel, National Communication Association meeting, Chicago, November 1999. "From Cornerville to Cyberville: The Ethics of Studying Real People in Virtual Places," National Communication Association meeting, Chicago, November 1999. “The WELL Run Dry: On the Need for Critical/Historical Study of Commerce and Online Community,“ presented at the MIT Media in Transition conference, October 9, 1999. “Covering Music: Album Covers, Art and Industry,” with Martin Sorger, presented at the 1999 International Association for the Study of Popular Music/USA meeting, Middle Tennessee State University, Oct. 1, 1999. “Internet Research and the ‘Real’ World: Academia, Culture and Consequences,” plenary speech at ICA pre-conference Virtual Scholarship: Cyberspace, Communication and Culture seminar sponsored by Popular Communication and Philosophy of Communication Divisions, May 27, 1999. “Where, When or Who? Internet Research and Subjectivity,” scheduled for presentation at the International Communication Association meeting, San Francisco, May 1999. “ Scholarship, Careers and Internet Research,” presented at the National Communication Association meeting, New York City, November 1998. “Defining and Understanding Micropolis and Compunity,” presented at the First International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, Science Museum, London, August 1998. “Orality and Textuality in the Context of Computer-Mediated Communication,” presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Jerusalem, July 1998. “Politics, New Media & Interactivity,” co-authored with Dan Parks, presented at the annual IAMCR meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, July 1998. “Perils and Parallels: Managing Micropolis and Compunity,” presented at the National Communication Association meeting, Chicago, November 1997. “Credibility and Accuracy in the Reporting of Scientific News,” with Chad Moody, Amy Rhodes and Andrea Sharrer, presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, August 1997, Chicago. “Better Off Dead: Fame, Image and Afterlife,” presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Montreal, May 1997. “Fair Use and Copyright in Cyberspace,” presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Montreal, May 1997. “Communication, the Internet and Electromotion,” presented at the Speech Communication Association annual meeting, San Diego, November 23, 1996. “The Consequences of Digitization for Popular Music Studies,” presented at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music/USA annual meeting, Denver, October 4, 1996. “Taking the Byte out of Copyright,” presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Chicago, May 24, 1996. “The Ma(c)donna-zation of Academia: An Investigation into the Character and Relationship Between Academia and the Media via Popular Music Studies,” presented at the annual conference of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Nashville, October 1995. “Narrative Patterns in Journalism and Rock Criticism: The Case of Kurt Cobain,” presented at annual conference, International Communication Association, Albuquerque, May 1995. “Communication & Authenticity: The Case of Popular Music Studies,” presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Sydney, Australia, July 1994. “For What It's Worth: Popular Music, Mass Culture and the First Amendment,” presented at Central States Communication Association, Oklahoma City, April 9, 1994. “Communication & Authenticity: The Case of Popular Music Studies,” presented at RockInTheory Conference, University of Illinois-Urbana, Feb. 18-19, 1994. “Re-Viewing Rock Writing: Recurring Themes in Popular Music Criticism,” presented at the First International Scholarly Conference on Rock and Rap, University of Missouri, Feb. 5, 1993. “Space, Sound and Digitization,” presented at IASPM/USA meeting, Denton, Texas, Oct. 1992. “Making Space: Music, Virtual Reality and Performance,” presented at the International Conference on the Sociology and Anthropology of Performance, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 1992. “A Sense of Space: Virtual Reality and Audio Recording/Reproduction,” presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 1992 convention, Montreal. “Illegal Broadcasting: A Brief History,” presented at the PCA/ACA convention, Louisville, KY, March 1992. “The Sounds of Silence: Popular Music, Freedom of Expression & Censorship,” presented at Speech Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, November 1991. “The Role of Research and Education in the Music Industry,” panel organizer, moderator, presenter, International Association for the Study of Popular Music/USA Conference, Chicago, October 1991. “Who Fought the Law? American Responses to Pop Music, Cultural Production and the International Popular Music Industry,” presented at 6th IASPM International Conference, Berlin, July 1991. “Hyperreality and Hypertext: Notes Toward an Understanding,” presented at the Sixth Annual Visual Communication Conference, Breckenridge, CO, June 28, 1991. “Authenticity and Technology in Popular Music Production,” presented at the 1991 International Communication Association conference, Chicago, May 1991. “The Information Evolution,” presented to Midwest Sociological Society, Des Moines, April 1991. “Popular Music or Popular Sound” presented at American Culture Association, San Antonio, March 1991. “Hyperpunk: Cyberpunk and Information Technology,” presented to the Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, March 1991. “Magazines and Journalism History: Ted
Peterson's Legacy,” presented at Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication 1990 convention, Minneapolis. “Culture, Resistance and Communication,” presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 1990. “Technology, Copyright and Authenticity,” presented at International Association for the Study of Popular Music conference, New Orleans, May 1990. “Amilcar Cabral: Ideology, Culture, and Communication,” presented at 1989 Conference on Culture and Communication, Philadelphia. “Technology, Sound & Popular Music,” presented at the International Communication Conference, San Francisco, May 1989. “Computers & Writing: Word Processing, Creativity and Teaching,” panel paper co-authored with Laura Jasper, Roger Anderson & Martin Wood, presented at Small College Computing Symposium, UW-Eau Claire, April 1989. “Under Pressure: An Examination of Advertiser and Industry Influence on Popular Music Media,” presented at 1989 Popular Culture Association Conference, St. Louis. “Borderline: Popular Music and the U.S. Immigration Laws,” presented at International Association for Popular Music 1988 Conference, Yale University. “Making Waves: Pirate Radio and Popular Music,” presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 1988 Conference, Portland, OR. “The Ecstasy of Information,” presented at the 1988 International Communication Association Conference, New Orleans. “The Cassette Underground,” paper presented at the 1988 ICA Conference, New Orleans. “Technology, Music Videos, Narrative & Culture,” presented at 1988 Popular Culture Association Conference, New Orleans. “Sound Technology and the Composition and Realization of Popular Music,” presented at Interface 87: Technology and the Humanities, October 1987, Atlanta. “Cassette Culture,” presented at the Midwest Conference of the Union for Democratic Communications, October 1987, Madison, WI. “Digital Narrative & Music Videos,” presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication National Convention, August 1987, San Antonio, TX. “Pirate Radio in the United States & Britain,” presented at International Association for the Study of Popular Music Fourth Annual Conference, University of Pittsburgh, April 1987. “Geographic and Source Biases in Network Television News 1982-1984,” presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Natonal Convention, August 1985, Memphis, TN. |
Participant, Early Career Researchers Workshop, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) virtual pre-conference, October. 24, 2020. The Beat Goes On: Music, Culture and Creativity During Crisis,” UIC Alumni Webinar, May 11, 2020. “Human Subject Research in the Age of Social Robots,” presented at the Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) Conference, Communicating AI: Theory, Research, and Practice, UCLA, February 7, 2020. “Driving Away Privacy: Autonomous Vehicles, Communication and the Consequences for Privacy and Freedom,” presented at the City University of Hong Kong, September 30, 2019. “HCI, Journalism and the Challenge of Change,” CHI 2019 workshop, “HCI for Accurate, Impartial and Transparent Journalism: Challenges and Solutions,” Glasgow, Scotland, May 5, 2019. Participant, Voice of the Car Summit. San Francisco, April 9, 2019. Participant, Moral Machines: Ethics and Politics of the Digital World. Helsinki, Finland, March 6 - 8, 2019. Participant, Administrator's Forum on Supporting Black Digital Humanities Work in the Academy workshop at Intentionally Digital, Intentionally Black conference organized by the African American History, Culture and Digital Humanities Program at the University of Maryland, October 18, 2018. “Machines in the Mix: The Social and Political Consequences of Human-Machine Communication,” DECIDIS open lecture at the IT University Copenhagen, January 27, 2017. “Reconstituting the Public Through Data,” presentation at the Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANTLAB), Aalborg University (campus Copenhagen), January 23, 2017. Participant, Behavior Change Support Systems workshop at Persuasive Technology 2015, June 3, 2015, Chicago, IL. “Disciplines Matter for the Wrong Reasons,” presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, May 24, 2014. “Going Public: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown,” presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, May 22, 2014. “Mobile Media: An Emerging Field in Communication or Just Another Technological Phenomenon?” presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, May 23, 2014. “Human Augmentics from a Communication Perspective,” lecture at the University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication, February 10, 2014. “Emergent Technologies, Medicine and
Health,” Rush University Medical School, Grand Rounds lecture, February 3,
2014. Chair, “Circulation” panels, Music, Digitisation, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies conference, Oxford University, July 11-13, 2013. “The Business of Music in the Digital Age,” panelist, Lake Forest College, April 4, 2013. “Social Media, Health & Technology,” lecture in Medicine & Society M-3 program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 24, 2012. “The Internet is the End of Communication Theory as We Know It,” closing plenary, International Communication Association, Phoenix, May 28, 2012. PopComm Extended Workshop participant, International Communication Association conference, Phoenix, May 25, 2012. “Me, Myself and i,” presentation at Meeting of the Minds symposium, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 6, 2012. ICR Traditions Roundtable, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, participant, March 3, 2012. “Human Augmentics and Persuasive Technologies: Bridging Communication and Computer Science,” invited lecture, University of Oslo, November 21, 2011. “Writing, Editing and Publishing: Reflections on Flux,” invited lecture, University of Oslo, November 21, 2011. “Mobile Media, Location and Ethics: Learning from Teaching,” with Rich Wolf, Mobile Processing, University of Illinois at Chicago, November 13, 2011. “Mobile Media, Urban Spaces, and Walter Netsch's UIC,” presentation and soundwalk, Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, University of Illinois at Chicago, November 12, 2011. Respondent to keynote by Jane McGonigal, International Symposium on Digital Ethics, Loyola University Chicago, October 28, 2011. “Games as if the Real World Matters,” Mixing Media conference, University of Chicago, October 14, 2011, Chicago. “All I Really Needed to Know About Getting Grants I Only Learned After I Got One,” College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 4, 2011. Panelist, “Training Employees for your Digital Demands,” Alliance for Women in Media symposium on Digital Literacy for Women and Girls, Chicago, September 13, 2011. “Social Networks and Political Revolution - Fact or Fiction?” Panelist at discussion sponsored by ACM Chicago, March 18, 2011. “Ethical Considerations When Real and Virtual Worlds Mingle,” 2010 OHRP Research Community Forum, Chicago, May 21, 2010. “Internet Research and New New Media: Reflections on Work at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory,” London School of Economics, public lecture, May 11, 2010. “The Internet Turns 40: Midlife Crisis or Grand Challenge for Computer-Mediated Communication?,” Oxford University, Balliol College, Oxford Internet Institute, public lecture, May 10, 2010. “The Current State and Future of Internet Research,” Aarhus University, Denmark, public lecture, April 27, 2010. “The Emergence of Internet Research: Looking Back, Looking Ahead,” University of Copenhagen public lecture, April 20, 2010. “The Pew Internet & American Life Project and its Implications for the Field of Internet Research,” University of Copenhagen doctoral seminar, April 16, 2010. “The Emergence of Internet Research: Looking Back, Looking Ahead,” University of Copenhagen doctoral seminar, April 14, 2010. University of Iowa, McGranahan Lecture, “Youth, New Media, News & Journalism,” April 29, 2009. Plenary speech, “Via Chicago: Ethnic Media, New Media and the Experience of Migration and Mobility,” eChicago symposium, Dominican University, April 3, 2009. Guest speaker, Media, Technology & Society program, Northwestern University, brown bag seminar, February 9, 2009. Chair and respondent, "The Day the Music Digitized: Exploring the Digital Music Commodity," International Communication Association Conference, May 23-26, 2008, Montreal. Co-organizer (with Nick Jankowski and David Park) and panel chair, "The Long History of New Media: Contemporary and Future Developments Contextualized," International Communication Association pre-conference workshop, McGill University, Montreal, May 22, 2008. "Next Generation Networking and Visualization Technologies," CCH Computer Law Advisory Council symposium, May 4-5, 2008, Wheeling, IL. "Searching for the New in New Media," Graduate Colloquium Speaker, Northern Illinois University, April 30, 2008. "i.Thou: Ethics, Friendship and the Internet," symposium on Ethics and Evil in the Media, Calvin College, April 28, 2008. "The Next Generation and the Next Generation Internet: Forecasting an Unforeseeable Future," Sloan-C Workshop on Blended Learning and Higher Education, Chicago, April 7, 2008. "New Technologies and New Challenges for Communication Scholars," COMM 572, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2, 2008. "Youth, Internet and Communication," presentation at Council for Advancement and Support of Education Annual Conference for Media Relations Professionals, Chicago, March 10, 2008. "Tele-Immersion, Communication and Disbelief," presentation at Exploring New Media Worlds: Changing Technologies, Industries, Cultures, and Audiences in Global and Historical Context, Texas A&M University, March 2, 2008. "Where do we want to go tomorrow? The future Internet via Visualization and High Speed Networks," presentation at New Media Research @UMN, University of Minnesota, September 14, 2007. “The Internet and College Students,” presentation to UIC LAS Alumni Association, May 5, 2007. Online Learning Symposium, invited panelist, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 12, 2007. “College Students, Learning and the Internet,” University of Illinois at Chicago Writing Center, March 5, 2007. “Technology,” Symposium on the Scholarship of James W. Carey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 27, 2006. “What’s New About New Media?” NCA Hope Institute for Faculty Development, Luther College, Iowa, July 24 – 28, 2006 “Generation C(ommunication): Students, Education & New Media,” Chicago Public Schools Teachers Infusing Technology in Urban Schools Workshop Keynote Address, Chicago, July 10, 2006. “Generation C(ommunication): College Students & New Media,” University of Illinois, College of Medicine, June 29, 2006. “Reflective Learning, Ethnography and New Media,” University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Dentistry, June 8, 2006. Discussion leader,, Chopin Theatre, Chicago, May 31, 2006. “Generation Communication: College Students and New Media,” University of California – Riverside, Department of Creative Writing seminar, February 21, 2006. “New Media and New New Media: Findings From the Pew Internet Project and the Electronic Visualization Lab,” Purdue University, Visiting Lecturer, January 16 – 18, 2006. “What Resident Assistants Need to Know about College Student Internet Use,” presentation at University of Illinois at Chicago Campus Housing Training, January 5, 2005. “The 3 Ws: Wikis, Web and Writing.” Presentation at University of Illinois Foundation Annual Meeting, September 23, 2005, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Panelist, “Blogging: Midwestern Views on Social Impact and Moneymaking,”conference sponsored by Burson-Marsteller, Chicago, June 9, 2005. “The Internet Goes to College: College Students, Faculty and Internet Use,” presented at The University of Illinois at Chicago External Education colloquium, April 26, 2005. “The Internet Goes to College: College Students, Faculty and Internet Use,” presented at The University at Albany, April 6, 2005. “Reality© and Virtual Reality©: New IP Regimes for New Technologies,” presented at Intellectual Property: An Interdisciplinary Conversation, University of Iowa, Feb. 25, 2005. “Generation C: College Students, Technology and the Communication Generation,” keynote speech at National Association of Campus Activities annual convention, Minneapolis, Feb. 13, 2005. “Global Perspectives on the Internet and Higher Education,” Workshop on the Sociology and Cultures of Globalization, University of Chicago, November 9, 2004. “Generation IT: Findings from the Pew Internet Project,” keynote speech at the 11th Biennial Symposium of the Media Research Club of Chicago, October 12, 2004. "Where Do We Want to Go Tomorrow? Learning from the Internet and Virtual Reality," University of Tulsa, March 10, 2004. “Communication Technology: The Case for Sound,” UIC Communication Department colloquium, March 3, 2004. Respondent, “Queers in Dataspace,” Media/Queered symposium, University of Illinois at Chicago, February 20, 2004. “Internet Studies: New Site or 404 – Not Found?” Media R/evolutions lecture series, Northwestern University Media, Technology & Society program, January 23, 2004. Participant, Aspen Institute Internet Policy Project, Aspen, Colorado, December 9 – 12, 2003. “Music and the Internet,” Lake Forest College, December 3, 2003. Respondent, “Virtually Reaching Out/Reaching In: Cultural Politics in the Information Age,” National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 21, 2003. Respondent, “Online Social Research: Methods, Ethics, and Issues,” National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 20, 2003. “Ethnography and Computer-Mediated Communication: Researching Cyberculture,” keynote presentation at Pre-Convention Thematic Conference, National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 19, 2003. Panelist, “So You Want to Write a Book (... and have it published and sell)?” Pre-Convention Workshop, National Communication Association Convention, Miami, November 19, 2003. “Consumers and Online News,” presentation at “Storytelling and New Technology: A conversation about the future,” Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, November 16, 2003. “Students’ Use of the Internet and its Implications for Teachers,” keynote address at Project TITUS workshop, Chicago Public Schools Medill Professional Training Center, November 8, 2003. “The Past, Present and Future of Internet Studies,” keynote speech at the Fourth Annual meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers, Toronto, Canada, October 16 – 19, 2003. “Publishing Internet Research: An Editor’s Perspective,” at the Fourth Annual meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers, Toronto, Canada, October 16 – 19, 2003. Participant, Hip Hop & Social Change conference, Field Museum, Chicago, Oct. 3 & 4, 2003. “The Internet and Public Responses to Terrorism,” presentation at Cities of Fear, Cities of Hope? Symposium, International Center on Human Responses to Social Catastrophes, University of Illinois at Chicago, June 25, 2003. “An Overview of Internet Studies,” presentation at Critical Cyberculture Studies: Current Terrains, Future Directions, University of Washington, May 9, 2003. “Internet Research & Everyday Life,” Columbia College, Chicago, May 2, 2003. “Evolving Ethics for Virtual History,” IEEE Society for Social Implications of Technology Regional Meeting, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, April 4, 2003. Chair and Moderator, “Does Open Access Mean an Open City? The Consequences of Civic and Community Networks, Ninth Annual Great Cities Winter Forum, University of Illinois at Chicago, Dec. 6, 2002. “Virtual Reality, Really,” Life in the Digital Age: The Challenges and Opportunities of Information and Communication Technology Keynote Conversation, National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, November 2002. Chair and Moderator, “Mardi Gras and Communication: Issues of the Body, Sexuality and Public/Private Spaces,” National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, November 2002. “Ethics of Internet Research,” Human Subject Protection: Contemporary Issues, University of Illinois at Chicago, November 20, 2002. Guest lecturer, English as a Second Language class, Oakton Community College, Skokie, IL, November 7, 2002. “The Internet's Local Impacts - Studying the Internet's Consequences for Chicago's Neighborhoods,” Great Cities Institute Research Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, November 6, 2002. “The Ethics of Immersive Virtual Reality,” Virtual Reality and Communication Ethics International Conference/Applied Ethics Colloquium, Colloquium Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Nov. 1, 2002. Lecture and discussion after screening of “Cyberman” documentary film, Reeltime/Evanston Public Library, October 9, 2002. “Guidance on Ethical Internet Research,” University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health Dean’s Forum, September 25, 2002. “The Internet and Theory,” The First Annual Doctoral Consortium in Israel About Computer-Mediated Communication, the Internet, and Social Aspects Thereof, University of Haifa, Israel, September 19, 2002. Guest lecture, COM 392 Teaching and Researching with New Technologies, University of Texas – Austin, June 26, 2002. “Virtual Renaissance: Virtual Reality, Virtual Harlem and the Humanities,” Midwest Conference on Film, Language and Literature CyberSunday keynote, April 7, 2002. “Internet Research, Ethics and IRBs,” Illinois Institute of Technology conference on the Technology of Humanity, April 5, 2002. “Do Ethics Scale? Internet Research, Ethics and Rights,” Temple University forum on Education, Ethics and the Internet keynote, March 20, 2002. "Connecting Community, Computers and Communication," Harvey Mudd College, Hixon Forum, March 9, 2002. "Everything I Know About the Internet I Learned From PLATO," Virginia Tech University, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, February 23, 2002. Chair, "Marshall McLuhan Revisited," panel at the 2001 Chicago Humanities Festival, November 11, 2001. Chair, "Rock and Roll Only Forgets: The 'Secret History' of Greil Marcus, American Studies, Cultural Criticism, and Popular Music," research panel, American Studies Association annual convention, Washington, D.C., November 8, 2001. “What Do They Want From the Net & What Can You Give Them?” presented to the International Association of Business Communicators/Chicago Chapter, September 19, 2001. Chair, Association of Internet Researchers information panel, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention, August 8, 2001. Participant, “A Dialogue About Preferred Futures in Online Learning and Assessment/Vision Quest Panel, ” Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology Annual Grantees' Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 4, 2001. Respondent, “Politics Online: Communication, Governance, and Democracy,” International Communication Association Conference, Washington, D.C., May 2001. “Digital Democracy, ” University of Athens, Greece, May 2001. “Everything I Know About the Internet I Learned From PLATO,” Augustana College, April 19, 2001. “Privacy, the Public, and Commerce: Findings from the Pew Internet Project,” Theoretical, Ethical, and Political Dimensions of the Public Sphere in the Age of the Internet, workshop/colloquium at the Ohio University, April 6, 2001. “Internet Research and Everyday Life: Method, Ethics and Findings,” University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, March 30, 2001. “Popular Music and the Internet,” University of Wisconsin – Parkside, March 22, 2001. Participant, Virtual Summit on Assessment in E-Learning Cultures, U.S. Department of Education Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology Grant Program, March – April, 2001. “Online Education & Training: Competing with the Classroom,” Chicago Streaming Media Alliance, March 15, 2001. "Everything I Know About the Internet I Learned From PLATO," Green Chair Lecture/Visiting Green Chair Professor, Texas Christian University, Dallas, February 23, 2001. "Fast Forward: Science, Technology and the Communications Revolution," six-week seminar series, Skokie Public Library, Skokie, IL, February - March, 2001. "Distribution & Downloading: Music & Network Technologies," University of Rome, Dec. 2000. Participant, "TV @ GLOBE // adding values in the digital era," United Nations World Television Forum, United Nations Headquarters, New York, November 2000. Invited participant, “Digital Childhood: An Agenda for Research on Human Development & Technology,” American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., October 24, 2000. "Running the Department," New Administrators' Workshop, University of Illinois - Chicago, October 18, 2000. "Are There Multiple Choices in a Binary World? Solving the Digital Divide," Robison Lecture, Bradley University, October 17, 2000. “, dot.commerce: Commerce, Community and the Internet,” inaugural Reese Phifer Lecture, University of Alabama, September 1, 2000. Guest lecturer, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Intellectual Property Program, Aug. 5, 2000. “Reeling Them In: Viewing and Discussion Programs in Libraries,” American Library Association annual meeting, Chicago, July 8, 2000. “Over-the-counter Community: Online Commerce, Community and the Internet,” keynote speech, Digital Borderlands: A cybercultural symposium, Norrköping, Sweden, May 12, 2000. “Virtual Community: Integration or Interaction?” keynote speech, New Competencies for Production and Consumption of Computer-Based Media, Bornholm, Denmark, May 11, 2000. “Music, Fandom and the Internet,” Nye
Medier, Nye Kompetencer, Roskilde University, Denmark, May 9, 2000. http://.com(munity): Online Community and Commerce, NEXT 1.0, Karlstad University, Sweden, April 7, 2000. "Free Expression in the Age of the Internet," online lecture and discussion, COMM 9400/Graduate Seminar in Communication & Technology, University of Nebraska, February 26, 2000. "Customer Relationship Management and Knowledge Management," International Association of Business Communicators, Tulsa Chapter, January 21, 2000. "Information Technology and Knowledge Management," Chicago Police Department/UIC Seminar Series, January 12, 2000. “The Internet, ethnography, and the study of online community,” Great Teachers Series, Wake Forest University, November, 1999. “All's WELL That Ends: The Origins and Future of Online Community,” keynote speech at WebNet World Conference ’99, Hawaii, October, 1999. Invited participant, “Substance and Civility in National Politics: The Prospect for the Coming Electoral Season,” University of Illinois at Chicago, June 22, 1999. Research colloquium presented at the University of Washington, April 30, 1999. “Community, Commerce and the Internet,” University of Washington, April 29, 1999. “Can Computer-Mediated Communication Enhance Interpersonal Relationships?” presented online to COMM 104/Controversies in Communication, University of Missouri, April 16, 1999. “What’s New About New Media, and Does it Matter?” keynote address at Phi Kappa Phi initiation, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 13, 1999. “The Canary in the Data Mine: Data Mining, Privacy and Unpredictability,” presented to the International Association of Business Communicators/Chicago Chapter, March 17, 1999. Visiting lecturer, McGill University Graduate Programme in Communication, Jan. 27-29, 1999. “New Tech, Music and Copyright,” presented to Department of Communication classes at Fordham University, November 24, 1998. “The Bias of the Web,” presented at “The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory: Metaphor, Magic,and Power,” Drake University, November 6, 1998. “The Self and its Subjectivities, in Cyberspace,” presented at Hobart and William Smith Colleges’ Inaugural Celebration for the Fisher Center for the Study of Women and Men, October 15, 1998. “There’s Hits, and Then There’s Hits: Music, Internet and Technology,” keynote speech at the Conference on Popular Music and Technology, Salford University, England, April 3, 1998. “Sound/Vision, Time/Space, for the Virtual Construction of Reality,” speech at the Second Annual Conference on the Visual Construction of Reality, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec., 1997. “Understanding Internet Community,” keynote address at the annual meeting of the Association of Danish Media Researchers, Sonderborg, Denmark, Nov. 26, 1997. “Media & Communications: Information in the 21st Century,” panelist, Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation Leadership Seminar, May 31, 1997, Tulsa. “Collisions on the Road to Justice: Free Press versus Due Process of Law,” panelist, Society of Professional Journalists/Tulsa, April 8, 1997. “How Do Our Cars Define Us?” Gallery talk, Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, April 4, 1997. Panelist and participant in “Race/Class/Gender Marginalization on the Internet” and “Methodological Crossroads: Studying New Technologies and Social Change,” and “What Have We Learned About New Media, Old Values: Confronting Change,” at the 1997 New Media Conference sponsored by the Mass Communication and Society Divison of AEJMC, University of Colorado-Boulder, Mar. 13-15, 1997. Also led graduate student colloquium for Center for Mass Media Research, University of Colorado. “The Effects of Technology on Multinational Business,” panel moderator, Multinational Business in the 21st Century: Cultures and Transitions, the Sixth Annual Conference on International Issues, University of Tulsa, March 7, 1997. “The Internet and the Social, or Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Progress,” keynote address at “American Values in the Information Age,” Angelo State University, Texas, October 27, 1996. “Public Life and Public Lite: The Internet and Social Being,” keynote address at <binary myths>, symposium sponsored by The Zukunftswerkstaette, Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna, September 14, 1996. “Introduction to the Internet for On-Line Communicators,” International Association of Business Communicators/Tulsa, Tulsa, August 14, 1996. “Icons, Iconoclasts and the Media: Or, Take the Popular, Seriously,” Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, April 19, 1996. “Intro to the Internet for Business,” Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors, Apr. 17, 1996. “Culture and the Law in Cyberspace,” lecture at McGill University, Montreal, March 22, 1996. “NAFTA, Cultural Policy and Mass Communication: The Case of Popular Music,” lecture at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, March 21, 1996. "Intellectual Property in the Age of Globalisation," lecture at York Univ., Toronto, Mar. 20, 1996. “Business on the Net,” keynote speaker and moderator, Tulsa Public Library, March 16, 1996. “The How and Why of HTML and HTTP,” Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors, March 8, 1996. “Hands-On Internet Exploration,” Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors, March 6, 1996. “Introduction to the Internet for Business,” Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors, Feb. 15, 1996. “Capitalizing on the Internet,” four-part seminar lecture series, University of Tulsa, October - November, 1995. “The How and Why of the Internet,” Canterbury Center, University of Tulsa, November 1, 1995. “Why Do Business on the Internet?” presentation to Executives in Tulsa, August 4, 1995. Moderator and organizer of panel session with NPR’s Nina Totenberg, at annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, Aug., 1995. “The Internet and Public Networks: Issues for the Public Sector,” presentation sponsored by the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, July 19, 1995. “Marketing and the Business Value of the Net,” Web Technologies seminar, Tulsa, July 13, 1995. “Business As (Un)usual: A Business Guide to the Internet,” presentation to Business Marketing Association, Tulsa Chapter, May 9, 1995. “Media Future & Media Present,” presented to Women in Communication/Tulsa, Apr. 11, 1995. “Affirmative Action in Academia,” panelist and moderator, symposium sponsored by Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society, University of Tulsa, March 30, 1995. “They Want Your Jobs: Preparation for Careers in PR,” presentation to the Public Relations Society of America/Tulsa Chapter, March 28, 1995. “Capitalizing on the Internet,” seminar series, Univ. of Tulsa, Mar. 16, Apr. 20, May 4, 1995. “Soundbites: Are Television and Communications Technology Trivializing Public Discourse or Strengthening Democracy?” Moderator, “Global Paradigms” International Conference, University of Tulsa, February 18, 1995. “The Future of the Media,” presentation to Intl. Association of Business Communicators/Tulsa, Oct. 19, 1994. “Popular Music Studies, Intellectual Property and the Study of Mass Communication,” lecture at Manchester Metropolitan University, October 7, 1994. “The Shape of Technology to Come: Continuing Developments in the Mass-Mediation of Popular Music,” lecture at Salford University, October 4, 1994. “Popular Music Studies and Methodology: What's the Problem?” seminar, Liverpool University, October 3, 1994. “Along for the Ride: Examining the Information Highway,” Tulsa Umbrella Salon, June 26, 1994. “Route 666: Information, Ethics and Electronic Publishing,” address given to the annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, San Francisco, June 8, 1994. “The Road to...? The Internet and the Individual,” Tulsa Umbrella Salon, May 17, 1994. “Get Your Kicks...: Ethics and the Information Highway,” presentation at 1994 Oklahoma Association of National Honor Societies Convention, Tulsa, April 16, 1994. Discussant and moderator, “Popular Music, Cultural Studies and Identity,” Midwest Sociological Society conference, St. Louis, March, 1994. “Mass Communication, Intellectual Property Rights, International Trade and the Popular Music Industry,” presented at Media, Culture and Free Trade: NAFTA's Impact on Cultural Industries in Canada, Mexico and the United States, March 3-5, 1994, University of Texas at Austin. “Rated X: Censorship,” Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Public Schools Tenth Annual Academic Seminar, March, 1994. “Media, Rhetoric, and Holocaust: The War in Yugoslavia,” invited lecture at the School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Iowa, February 23, 1993. “Issues of Authorship and Authenticity in Popular Music and Mass Communication,” Kendall College Forum Lecture, University of Tulsa, January 27, 1993. “Space, Place, Sound & Technology: Mass Communication & Location,” lecture at Carleton University, Centre for Research on Culture & Society, Ottawa, Canada, October 30, 1992. “Popular Music & the Study of Technology,” lecture, Liverpool Univ. Institute of Popular Music, March 2, 1992. “Copyright, Authorship and Authenticity in Popular Music,” invited lecture, University of Liverpool Institute of Popular Music, March 3, 1992. “Authorship, Copyright and Entropy: The Collapse of an Organized System,” keynote address, 1992 IASPM/UK Meeting, Manchester, England, February 28, 1992. Invited panelist, “Nations and Nationalism in Post-Communist Europe: Serbia and Croatia,” After 1992: A New European Order? University of Tulsa, February 21, 1992. “Virtual Reality, Visual Reality and the Aural,” University of Tulsa, February 5, 1992. “Yugoslavia and the U.S. Media: Information, Perception and the Public,” keynote address at the second annual Serbian Unity Congress, Chicago, IL, November 2, 1991. “Popular Music Imagery: The Case of Music Videos,” speech at Northeastern Okla. State Univ., May 2, 1991. “Popular Music and Spirituality,” presented to the University of Tulsa Lutheran Student Association, March 17 and March 24, 1991. “Remembrance of Things Present,” colloquium, University of Tulsa Faculty of Communication, Feb. 13, 1991. “Public Information, Media Relations & Social Services: A Proposal for Eau Claire County Department of Human Services,” prepared for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, Department of Human Services, April 1990. “Technology and Mass Communication,” lecture presented at Fifth Annual West Central Wisconsin Honors Symposium, University of Wisconsin - Stout, February 1990. “Opportunities in Magazine Careers,” SPJ/SDX lecture, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, November, 1988. “Popular Music and Authenticity,” lecture presented at Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, IL, March, 1988. |
“Social - Emotional Contexts of Adolescent Smoking
Patterns,” National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, Co-PI,
2012 ($1,178,143 awarded, 2 years). “Collaborative Research: Towards Lifelike Computer Interfaces that Learn,” National Science Foundation, Co-PI, 2007 ($497,372 awarded, 3 years). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ethnography of the University, Teaching Grant, 2004 ($7,000). Steve Jones Internet Research Lecture Series, established in 2003 by the National Communication Association and the Carl Couch Center for Internet and Social Research, presented annually at the National Communication Association convention. Relocated to the International Communication Association in 2009. Tides Foundation, grant to enhance Communication Department research support, 2001 ($1,000). University of Illinois President's Distinguished Speakers Program, 2000 – present. American Library Association, “Fast Forward: Science, Technology and the Communications Revolution” program, in collaboration with Bruce Brigell/Skokie Public Library. Funding awarded for public seminar series. ($1,000) Nominated for University of Illinois Alumni Association Flame Award for Teaching Excellence, 1999 – 2000, 2001-2002. Pew Charitable Trusts, "The Internet & Education," Research Grant, Summer 1999 ($2,000). Pew Charitable Trusts, "The Internet & Everyday Life," Research Grant, Summer 1999 ($2,000). Silver Circle Teaching Award (campus-wide), University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998-1999. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, initiated Spring, 1999. Hearst Foundation, scholarship for communication students, 1996 ($100,000). Culture, Media and the Music Industry: A comparative analysis of Mexico, the U.S., and Canada, prepared with Will Straw, Canada and Graciela Sanchez, Mexico. Grant from the Fideicomiso para el Estudio de la Region de America, Fall 1995 (240,000 N.M.P., $60,000) Scripps-Howard Foundation, grant to enhance Communication Department computer lab, Spring 1996 ($5,000). Advertising Educational Foundation, grant to fund “Advertising Week” (week-long visits to advertising professionals), Spring 1995 ($2,000). Nomination for Award for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound Research from the Association for Recorded Sound Collections, 1993. University of Tulsa Social Science Interest Group Grant, Spring 1993 ($2,000). University of Tulsa Faculty Research Grant, 1992-1993 ($500). Association for Recorded Sound Collections Research Grant, Summer 1991 ($1,000). University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Research & Creative Activity Grant, 1989 ($500). Poynter Fellow, Summer 1989: College Newspaper Advisers Seminar. University of Illinois, Dissertation Research Award, Fall 1986. Illinois State Scholar, University of Illinois, 1979 - 1983. |
Professional Development |
Participant, Teaching in the midst of upheaval: Can
journalism and communication programs keep up and stay relevant?, Chicago,
Loyola University, May 18, 2011. “Ethnography of the University,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, teaching workshop, May 18 – 21, 2004. “New Ontologies: Transdisciplinary Objects,” University of Illinois Program in Science, Technology, Information and Medicine invited symposium, Urbana, IL, March 31, 2002. "Modern Medicine: Just because we can, should we?," invited symposium on technology and ethics, Sherman Elias, M.D., University of Illinois - Chicago, Oct. 26, 2000. “Free Press, Free Trade and Global Security: Assessing the Impact of U.S. International Broadcasting,” public forum sponsored by the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors, June 17, 1999, Chicago. “UIOnline” retreat, Kankakee, IL, Feb. 13, 1998. “Running the Department,” workshop, Univ. Of Illinois at Chicago, Jan. 13, 1998. “Faculty Recruitment and Development,” workshop, Univ. Of Illinois at Chicago, Dec. 10, 1997. “Legal Issues,” workshop, Univ. Of Illinois at Chicago, Nov. 19, 1997. “Budgetary Responsibilities of Directors, Heads, Chairs,” workshop, Univ. Of Illinois at Chicago, Oct. 28, 1997. Research, Grants & Grant Administration workshop, Univ. Of Illinois at Chicago, Sept. 23, 1997. Promotion & Tenure Workshop, Univ. Of Illinois at Chicago, Sept. 5, 1997. “Law for the University Administrator,” University of Tulsa workshop, Jan. 10, 1997. “Freedom of Information On-Line,” sponsored by FOI Oklahoma, Tulsa, October 10, 1996. “Journalism Education, The First Amendment Imperative, and the Changing Media Marketplace,” sponsored by the College of Mass Communication, Middle Tennessee State University, April 11-14, 1996. National Institute for Learning and Service, St. Charles, IL, May 28-June 1, 1995. Third Annual Research Conference: “The Enigma of the Public,” sponsored by the College of Mass Communication, Middle Tennessee State University, April 22-24, 1994. Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences Dept. Chairs Seminar, Washington, DC, April 7-9, 1994. Beyond Agendas: New Directions in Communication Research, Wichita Symposium, Wichita State University, September 23-26, 1992. Women's Studies Gender, Race and Class Curriculum Transformation Workshop, University of Tulsa, October 6, 1990 and November 2, 1990. Breaking the Silence Seminar, Damascus, Inc., Minneapolis, March 13 - 19, 1990. College Newspaper Advisers Workshop, Poynter Institute, June 1989. Faculty Development Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, January 14 - 16, 1988. Writing Across the Curriculum Seminars, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Fall 1987. |
Service |
External reviewer of promotion and
tenure cases at the following institutions: University at Albany, Concordia
University (Canada), Curtin University (Australia), Denison University,
Florida State University, Hamilton College, Indiana-Purdue University,
Ithaca College, Lancaster University (U.K.), Loyola University (New Orleans),
McGill University, Michigan Technological University, Middle Tennessee State
University, Northern Illinois University, Ohio University, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Southern Illinois University, St. Louis University,
SUNY-Purchase, SUNY-University at Buffalo, Temple University, University
of California-Santa Barbara, University of Colorado - Boulder, University of
Denver, University of Haifa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
University of Kansas, University of Liverpool, University of Maryland, University
of Michigan, University of Oslo, University of Southern California,
University of Southern Florida, University of Tennessee, University of Texas
A&M, University of Texas at Austin, University of Toronto, University of
Washington, Wake Forest University... honestly, I've stopped listing these
after a time. Manuscript Reviewer:
American Councils for International Education 2008;
Association of Internet Researchers annual conference 2000 – 2008; Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation/ American Council of Learned Societies Early Career
Fellowship Program Dissertation Completion Fellowships, 2007; National
Science Foundation, Science & Society Program, 2007; Art of Record
Production Conference, 2005; Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and
the Social Sciences, 2005; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada, 2005; International Communication Association Young Scholar Award
Committee, 2004 – 2005; International Communication Association annual
conference, 1998 – 2004; National Communication Association annual
convention, 1999 – 2004; National Science Foundation, SES – Research on
Science and Technology, 2004; National Endowment for the Humanities, Media
Division Grants, 2001, 2003; National Science Foundation Societal Dimensions
of Engineering, Science & Technology, 1998 – 2003.National Science
Foundation, Implications of Information Technologies Initiative, Division of
Science Resources Studies, 2001; National Endowment for the Humanities,
Collaborative Research Grants, 1998; U.S. Department of Commerce, National
Telecommunication and Information Administration, 1995 – 1996... more of the
same. Book Proposal Reviewer: MIT Press, Routledge, Addison Wesley Longman, Allyn & Bacon, Edinburgh University Press, Iowa State University Press, McGraw-Hill, MIT Press, Sage Publications, Simon & Schuster, Wadsworth Publishing Company... and ditto. Member, International Communication Association Task Force on Divisions and Interest Groups, 2019-2020. Secretary, Human-Machine Communication (HMC) Interest Group, International Communication Association. Member, Review Committee, UIC Awards for Creative Activity in the Fine, Performing and Applied Arts; the Humanities; and the Social Sciences, 2019-2020. Member, UIC TEM Customer Advisory Group, 2019-present. Member, UIC Communication Department Search Committee, 2019-2020. Member, UIC University Library Faculty Advisory Committee, 2018-present. Member, UIC Engaged Humanities Initiative Working Group, 2018-present. Member, UIC Digital Humanities Working Group, 2012-present. Chair, UIC Communication Department Search Committee, 2016-2017. Chair, UIC Communication Department Search Committee, 2013-2014. Chair, UIC Communication Department Personnel Committee, 2013-2014. Member, University of Illinois Strategic Communication and Marketing Council Faculty Advisory Committee, 2012-present. Member, Executive Commitee, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2012-2013. Chair, UIC Communication Department Search Committee, 2011-2012. Chair, Executive Committee, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, UIC, 2011-2012. Member, UIC Office of Classroom Learning Environments Advisory Board, 2011-present Conference Theme Chair, International Communication Association, 2011. Chair, UIC Communication Department Search Committee, 2010-2011. Member, UIC Communication Department Graduate Committee, 2010-2011. Member, UIC IT Task Force, 2010-2012. Member, UIC Master Planning Advisory Council, 2008-2009. Member, Search Committee for Assistant Manager, Office of Technology Management, UIC, 2008. Member, UIC Graduate College Executive Committee, 2006-2009. Member, UIC Space Management Committee, 2006-2009. Member, UIC Small Buildings Group, 2006-2009. Member, UIC Technology in Learning Environments Group, 2006-2009. Member, Global Campus Academic Council, University of Illinois, 2007 - 2009. Member, Conference Committee, First Monday conference, “FM10 Openness: Code, Science and Content,” 2006. Sound Engineer, Special Olympics of Northeastern Wisconsin Polar Plunge Fundraiser, Pleasant Prairie, WI, 2004 - 2006. Conference Director, Association of Internet Researchers annual conference, October 5 – 9, 2005, Chicago. Member, UIC Public Affairs Evaluation Committee for Illinois Bill of Health RFP, 2005. Member, Communications Task Force, Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, 2005 – present. Member, Communications Committee, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Evanston, IL, 2005 – present. Member, UIC LAS Director of Advancement Search Committee, 2004 – 2005. Chair, UIC Department of Communication Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2004 – 2005. Member, UIC Department of Communication Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2003 – 2004. Member, UIC Library Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2003 – 2004. Member, UIC Intellectual Property Advisory Committee, 2002 – present. Member, External Education Faculty Advisory Committee, 2002 - present. Member, UIC Online Oversight Committee, 2001 - present. Invited participant, National Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program convening session, U.S. Library of Congress, November 8, 2001. Consulting Member, UIC Institutional Review Board (Behavioral and Social Science), March 2001 - present. Member, Moving Image Arts Minor Faculty Advisory Committee, 2001 – present. Consultant, Butler University New Media Initiative, January, 2001. Member, Committee on Connections and Communications, University of Illinois Alumni Association, 2000 - 2001. Consultant, Cammy Brown vs. Missouri Board of Education, Fall 2000. Volunteer, Milwaukee County Walk Against Family Violence, June 17, 2000. External Reviewer, Rochester Institute of Technology, M.S. in Communication Technology and Society, Spring 2000. Member, Riddle Prize award selection committee, UIC, 1999 - 2000. Research consultant,, 1999 – 2000. Consultant, Richie Havens vs. VH-1, 1999 - 2000. Member, UIC Web Advisory Committee, 2000 – 2002. Volunteer, Milwaukee County Walk Against Family Violence, June 19, 1999. Co-organizer, Chicago MediaWatch speakers series, 1999. Member, Needs Assessment Committee, UIC External Education, 1999 – 2000. Campus adviser, Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, UIC, 1998 - 2002. Faculty Fellow, UIC Campus Housing, 1998 – present. Member, UIC Study Abroad Faculty Advisory Committee, 1998 – present. Member, UIC Public Affairs Director search committee, 1998. Member, Illinois Articulation Initiative/Communication Panel, 1998 - 1999. Founder and Ambassador, UMU@UIC (Macintosh Users Group), University of Illinois at Chicago, 1997 – present. Judge, IABC/Tulsa Regional Awards, 1997. Volunteer, Meals on Wheels of Tulsa, 1997. Member, MacWEEK Advisory Board, 1997 - 2000. Founding Faculty Director, T.U. University WWW Team, 1996 - 197. Member, Provost’s Education Technology Task Force, 1996 - 1997. Member, T.U. WWW Advisory Group, 1996 - 1997. National Association of Black Journalists, T.U. chapter, Founding Faculty Adviser, 1996 - 1997. Member, Organizing Committee for 1997 T.U. International Conference. Member, University Curriculum Committee, T.U., 1996 - 1997. Chair, T.U. Arts & Sciences Committee on Education and Technology, 1996 - 1997. The Underground 101.5, University of Tulsa student radio station, Faculty Adviser, 1995 - 1997. BLGA Friendly Zone volunteer, 1996 - 1997. Member, Sociology Dept. faculty search committee, University of Tulsa, 1995 - 1996. Member, University of Tulsa Biology Department Professional Review Committee, Fall 1995. Co-host, American Journalism Historians Association annual meeting, Tulsa, September 1995. Top Ten Freshman Selection Committee, University of Tulsa, Fall 1995. Dean’s ad-hoc committee on Applied Faculty Promotion Standards and Procedures, University of Tulsa, 1995 - 1996. Volunteer, Intl. Assoc. of Official Human Rights Agencies international conference, Tulsa, August 1995. Member, Society of Professional Journalists/Tulsa Scholarship Committee, 1995 - 1996. Member, University of Tulsa Computing Issues & Priorities Committee, 1995 - 1996 Member, University of Tulsa College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee, 1995 - 1996. Appointed Member, Tulsa Mayor’s Telecommunications Task Force, 1995 - 1997. Member, University of Tulsa Task Force on Distance Education, 1994 - 1997. Member, University of Tulsa President's Task Force on Volunteerism, 1994 - 1995. Member, University of Tulsa Provost's Ad-Hoc Film Committee, 1994 - 1995. Member, University of Tulsa Coffeehouse Programming Committee, 1994 - 1995. Primary Contact, University of Tulsa Sexual Assault Support Group, 1994 - 1997. Member, Ad-Hoc committee on computing and communication, University of Tulsa, 1994 - 1995. Member, Committee on Campus Information Television, University of Tulsa, 1994 - 1995. Member, Program Committee, 1995 IASPM International Conference, Glasgow. Chair, Professional Freedom & Responsibility/Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC, 1994 - 1995. Chair, Applied Faculty Search Committee, Faculty of Communication, Summer 1994. Interim Adviser, Collegian student newspaper, Summer 1994. Member, Women's Studies Certificate Program Advisory Board, University of Tulsa. Leader, University of Tulsa Apple Users Group, 1994 - 1997. Tulsa Zoo Friends Volunteer, 1993 - 1997. Student Development Advisory Group, University of Tulsa, 1993 - 1994. Member, University of Tulsa Biology Department Professional Review Committee, 1993 - 1994 Member, Chair Search Committee, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa, 1993 - 1994. Member, University of Tulsa Coffeehouse Task Force, 1993 - 1994. Member, Social Sciences Interest Group, University of Tulsa, 1993 - 1997. Member, Museum Studies Certificate Program Faculty Advisory Board, University of Tulsa, 1994 - 1997. Call Rape of Tulsa, assistance with 1993 fundraiser. Chair, Visiting Appointment Search, Faculty of Communication, University of Tulsa, 1993. Member, University of Tulsa Truman Scholarship Selection Committee, 1993, 1995, 1997. Youth Services of Tulsa Youth Shelter Volunteer, 1992 - 1997. Director, University of Tulsa Faculty of Communication Colloquium Series, 1991 - 1993. Chair, Student Publications Board, University of Tulsa, 1991 - 1995. Youth Services of Tulsa Project Safe Place volunteer, 1991 - 1997. Audio-Visual Director at performance by composer Joseph Celli, October 26, 1991, Tulsa. Member, Faculty of Communication Curriculum Committee, University of Tulsa, 1991. Chair, University of Tulsa Student Media Study Committee, 1991. University of Tulsa Film Study Group, member, 1990 - 1991. Collegian, University of Tulsa student newspaper, Faculty Adviser, 1990 - 94. (1992 Columbia Scholastic Press Association All-Columbian Award winner.) Storm 101.5, University of Tulsa student radio station, Faculty Adviser, 1990 - 1992. Member, Program Committee, 1993 IASPM International conference, Stockton, California. Chair, Program Committee for the 1990 IASPM/USA conference, New Orleans. Member, Campus-Wide Committee on Word Processing, UW - Eau Claire, 1989 - 1990. Secretary, Journalism Curriculum Committee, UW - Eau Claire, 1989 - 1990. Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, Campus Adviser, UW-Eau Claire, 1987 - 1990. Periscope, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire yearbook, Adviser, 1990. Society Of Professional Journalists, Co-Adviser, Univ. of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, 1987 - 1990. Spectator, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire student newspaper, Adviser, 1988 - 1990. (1989 SPJ Regional Mark of Excellence, 1988 ACP All-American Award winner.) Western Wisconsin Press Club, Vice President, 1988 - 1990. Creative Consultant, Beecham Products, Pittsburgh, PA, 1988 - 1990. |
Memberships |
Association of Internet Researchers IEEE International Association for Mass Communication Research International Association for the Study of Popular Music International Communication Association International Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology Mensa Midwest Sociological Society Phi Kappa Phi Society for Philosophy of Technology |
Courses Taught |
Analysis of Media Business Uses of the Internet Communication and Sound Communication Technologies Cultural Studies Graduate Seminar Cyberspace & Cybermyths: Critical Perspectives of the Internet Feature Writing Graphics for the Mass Media Human Augmentics Human-Machine Communication Information, Technology and Society Inquiry in Communication Introduction to Communication Issues in Communication and the Internet Magazine Editing & Design Mass Communication & Society Mass Media Research Mass Media Writing (Advertising, Journalism & Public Relations) Mass Media & Popular Culture Media History Opinion Writing Principles of Internet Research Principles of Visual Communication Seminar in Internet Studies Technology & Mass Communication |
(*denotes role of advisor & chair of committee) |
Tumblr as Platform Architecture, User Experience, and Interaction Artifacts, Indira Neill, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018. The Effects of Audio Dilation on English as a Second Language Individuals, Daniel Bunn, M.S. (Computer Science), University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018. Supporting Navigation with a Torso Weable Tactile Display, Victor Mateevisti, Ph.D. (Computer Science), University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017. The Work of Weirdness: A Participant Observation Study at a Chicago Freeform Radio Station, Emily Easton, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017.* Identity and Audience in Social Media, Jonathan Stringfield, Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017. The Privacy of Others, Stacy Blasiola, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017. A Gesture Theory of Communication, Michael Schandorf, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016.*
Cultural Adaptation and Use of Online Ethnic Communities of Chinese Students in the U.S., Nan Ke, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008. Who Produces the Means of Democracy? Internet, Deliberative Journalism, and Social Order, James Owens, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008. Surfing for Punks: The Internet and the Punk Subculture in New Jersey, Aaron Furgason, Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2008. Encoding the Body: Critically Assessing the Collection and Uses of Biometric Information, Shoshana Magnet, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008. Seeing Eye to Eye on Adolescent's Identity: The Role of Feedback in the Consistency Between Self and Supervisor, Jessica Schuler, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008.* Evaluations Community Radio as Lived Experience: How Participants Create Belonging and Agency, Anahi Lazarte, M.A., U iversity of Illinois at Chicago, 2008. Withindows: A Unified Framework for the Development of Desktop and Immersive User Interfaces, Alex Hill, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007. Facebook Prom Queens: Personality, Self-Esteem, and the Desire to Look Popular in Cyberspace, Jolene White, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007.* Online Self-Presentation: Identity Management and Gender Similarities and Differences on SNS, Soo Jeong An, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007.* The Framing of the Internet by the Traditional Mass Media from 1988 to 1995, Sabryna Cornish, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007.* Coprolalia and Shibboleths: Musical and Textual Interaction in the Breakcore Room, Andrew Whelan, Ph.d, Trinity College Dublin, 2007. Social Bookmarks: Personal Organization and Collective Discovery on the Web, Ericka Menchen, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2006.* Indian Culture in American Wrappers: Globalization, Culture and McDonald’s Advertisements in India, M. A., Ajantha Suriyanarayanan, 2006. College Students’ Attitudes toward Google AdWords
Advertising, Ming Zhang, M.A.,
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2006.* Two Sides of the Fence, Melissa Golter, M.F.A., University of Illinois - Chicago, 2006. Political Activism in the Digital Age: Internet Use for Political Engagement Among Meetup Attendees, Francisco Seoane, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2006.* Cultural Representation of East Asia: A Critical Analysis of Intercultural Communication Textbooks, Lina Luo, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2006. Computer-Mediated Social Support: Internet Use and International Migrants, Chen Wenli, Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2006. Perceptions of Organizational Culture on Company Sites, Morgan Bayat, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2005.* u2u: All Together Now, Beth Cerny, M.F.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004. Camgirls: Webcams, LiveJournals, and the Personal as Political in the Age of the Global Brand, Theresa Senft, Ph.D., New York University, 2004. A Study of the Rhetorical Practices of Governance that Underlie Ideology Formation on Indymedia Websites, Vinita Agarwal, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004.* Understanding How Communication Technologies Regulate, Rajiv Shah, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, 2004. Netwars: Information Technologies, Global Politics and the Reappropriation of Space, Heidi Brush, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, 2004. The Rhetorical Construction of Identity in a Community Video Art Group, M.A., Sreela Sarkar, 2004. Enhancing Cooperative Work in Amplified Collaboration Environments, Kyoung Shin Park, Ph.D. (Computer Science), 2003. Electronic Voice Phenomena, Joseph Tremonti, M.F.A., University of Illinois - Chicago, 2002. Instant Classics, Geoffrey Brooks, M.F.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002. Communicating Effectively While Treating Women With AIDS: Enhancing Doctor-Patient Communication: Communicating Effectively With HIV/AIDS Infected Women, Aparnaa Narayanan, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002. MALODrama: The Immersive CAVE Application, Samroeng Thongrong, M.F.A., University of Illinois - Chicago, 2001. Composing Networked Virtual Environments, Dave Pape, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001. Code Begets Community, Daniel Pargman, Ph.D., Linkoping University, Sweden (served as “opponent”), 2000. Perceptions of Credibility of Online and Print Newspapers, Jing Zhao, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000.* New Professor’s Perceptions of their Role in the Classroom and its Relationship to Classroom Communication, Hallie Crawford, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000.* Living Online: Categories, Communication and Control – A Study of the Internet Mailing List “Cybermind,” Jonathon Paul Marshall, Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Sydney (external examiner), 2000. Indian Popular Cinema and the Female Immigrant Imag(e)nation, Priyanka Sinha, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999. Perceptions of Older and Younger Job Applicants, Caroline Allenson, M.A., University of Illinois - Chicago, 1999. The Internet and American Democracy, Yoon Chung, Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1999. A Comparison of Representations in Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments, James Costigan, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999.* Undergraduate E-mail Use for Peer Relationships, Stephanie Kucker, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999.* Insect/Cell. Tom Frisch, M.F.A. Computer animation and digital audio (Electronic Visualization Lab), University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999. Perception of and Attitude Toward Sexual Harassment, Iwata Mami, M.A., University of Illinois - Chicago, 1998. Regulating the Online Medium in an Age of Transnational Communication: A Socio-historical Analysis, Joseph Jackson, McGill University, 1998. The Mass Media & Eating Disorders, Andrea Klahr, Honors Thesis, B.A., University of Tulsa, 1996.* Emotion in the Context of Computer-Mediated Communication, MaryAnne Zarrett, Ph.D., Communication, Fielding Institute for Advanced Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, 1996. Photography and Light, Susan Rainey, M.F.A., University of Tulsa, 1996. Urban Legends & Communication, Monica Heimos, Honors Thesis, B.A., University of Tulsa, 1995.* Visualization: Photography, Tom Beecher, M.F.A., University of Tulsa, 1995. A Comparative Study Between the Rohrschach and MMPI-A in Predicting Psychiatric Symptoms and Behaviors with Inpatient Adolescents, Jeff Long, Ph.D., Psychology, University of Tulsa, 1994. Transcendental Style in the Films of David Lynch, Jim Morgan, Honors Thesis, B.A., University of Tulsa, 1992.* Twentieth-Century History of Visual Literacy Ideas, Karen Kremer, M.Ed., Univ. of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, 1989. Covering Music: The Packaging and Design Associated with Prerecorded Music, Martin Sorger, M.S., Communications Design, Pratt Institute, 1988. |
References |
On request. |